| record subsidiaries
record subsidiaries


At agta record ag, the issue of sustainability enjoys high priority and has been part of a long tradition in many different ways. Long before the idea of sustainability had become the buzzword it is today, record was aiming at healthy growth in cooperation with its regional employees and partners, a policy different from cost optimization and profit maximization.

Two points here are particularly worth mentioning: first, our program for apprentices, which has been going strong for more than 40 years, has launched many hundreds of young people onto their professional careers. Secondly, it should be emphasized that the quality of our products is something that the company founder, H.H. Bunzl, recognized very early as being the cornerstone of long-term customer loyality. Almost every year we see employees who have spent almost their entire working life with us start their well-earned retirement. For us, this is confirmation of the professional interaction between employer and employee at record being balanced and healthy. However, as much as we live the culture of a medium-sized family business on the one hand, so we are continuing to focus on the ever-changing challenges of doing business on a global scale on the other hand.

Sustainability means responsibility. Responsibility for the Company, for our employees, suppliers, service providers and a large number of other people, whose connection to us becomes clear only upon closer examination. Ultimately, however, these responsabilities are subordinate to the economic success of our company. And now it is time to take steps in new directions, some of which are surprisingly obvious, without changing our general strategic orientation. In this way, sustainability is not simply a strict program of recycling, garbage separation or energy conservation, but has to mature into a business model that encompasses all these points.
